LIBR 260A-10
Programming and Services for Children
Spring 2012 Greensheet

Elizabeth (Beth) Wrenn-Estes, Instructor

Cell Phone:
Office location:
 Home Office
Office Hours:
By Appointment

Greensheet Links
Textbooks and Readings
Course Requirements
Detailed Assignments
Weekly Outlines
Blackboard Collaborate
Discussion Threads

iSchool eBookstore

This course will be available on D2L by JANUARY 25, 2012. You will be automatically enrolled into the site. I will send more information about course access as we approach the first day of class.

The instructor expects each student to check into the D2L course site at least once, if not twice, per day to see course updates, resources, announcements, and other relevant information. Students are responsible to know the content on the D2L course site and Greensheet/Syllabus. It is also the student’s responsibility to ask questions and express concerns quickly so that the instructor can provide an answer/response immediately.

The instructor makes every effort to proofread the Greensheet/Syllabus and the D2L Course Site but errors can occur. Please contact the instructor with any errors you see or any questions or may have.

Instructor’s Instructional Philosophy
The instructor wants each student in the course to succeed and will do everything to help students do so but it is a partnership. Please make sure that communication stays a top priority during the semester. Ask questions when you have them, seek clarifications when you need them, take responsibility for understanding all expectations, content and assignments for the course.

The instructor encourages students to work hard and to come away with a love of children’s programming and services including children’s literature, the ability to defend it, and an understanding of how to best serve children. Students are ultimately responsible for their learning experience and work ethic during the class.

Course Description

This course examines the importance of programming for children, including parent education programs, story hours, outreach techniques, services with schools, summer reading programs, and program series such as weekly or monthly programs on manga, knitting, book discussions, or homework help.

Course Prerequisites: LIBR 200

Course Objectives

Student Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the current reading, viewing and listening habits of children, and use this knowledge in program planning
  2. Apply information on children’s developmental and psychological needs and tasks to plan appropriate programming and services for this age group
  3. Demonstrate storytelling, reading aloud, and finger plays, songs and rhymes, and explain why these activities are developmentally appropriate for the preschool child, and how they fit into library services for this age group
  4. Design and run a summer reading program or game, and explain the importance of encouraging parents to read aloud to their children to prepare them for learning to read, and the importance of maintaining reading skills of school age children by encouraging them to read over the summer
  5. Demonstrate familiarity with a wide variety of computer software, for use in children’s library programming, including but not limited to Web2.0 applications, gaming software, interactive learning software, and social networking software
  6. Design and manage a children’s area based on the developmental, recreational and informational needs of this age group, and create and implement an annual programming and display plan, including but not limited to, crafts, story times for various ages, homework help programs, school visits, outreach to community organizations and groups, reading programs or games.

LIBR 260A supports the following SLIS Core Competencies:

  • A. articulate the ethics, values and foundational principles of library and information professionals and their role in the promotion of intellectual freedom
  • D. demonstrate oral and written communication skills necessary for group work, collaborations and professional level presentations
  • F. apply the fundamental principles of planning, management and marketing/advocacy
  • I. evaluate programs and services on specified criteria
  • M. contribute to the cultural, economic, educational and social well-being of our communities

Course Requirements 

Questions, Comments, Concerns- Discussion Thread
Please post all questions, concerns, and general comments on the discussion thread under Content/Discussion Threads on the D2L class site. If the question or concern is of a personal nature send directly to the instructor’s email address (

All lectures are posted under the appropriate Weekly Outline on the D2L site. Lectures may have been recorded during an earlier semester but are still relevant for the present semester.

E-mail Subject Lines/Naming of Assignment Files - Mandatory

  • Format for subject line for all email correspondence:
  • Format the file name for all of your assignments:

E-mail Response Time
Instructor answers email on a regular basis throughout the day and evenings.

(Policy-Instructor will respond to student emails within 24-hours of receipt). The instructor will inform the class if a longer response time is needed (instructor out of town, illness, etc.)

Students are expected to promptly answer emails from the instructor and fellow students.

Crisis or Emergency
Please call the instructor if a situation will prevent you from doing assignments or other class activities. You will receive a zero for any course work missed unless you have received permission from the instructor for an extension. The instructor reserves the right to deduct points (the number of points is determined by the instructor) for any work not submitted on time or lack of participation in Blackboard Collaborate session, group work or discussion threads.

Instructor’s cell phone number is 510-410-1959 (pacific time zone).

Course Calendar
Subject to change with fair notice.

Technology Requirements
You will need a high-speed connection (DSL, cable, etc.) to successfully participate in this class. Please see the Technology Requirements and Instructions for Success handout.


  • February 8    
    Lecture/Guest Speaker (1/2 of the Class only)      
    6:30-9:00 p.m. Pacific
  • February 15  
    Lecture/Guest Speaker (1/2 of the Class only)      
    6:30-9:00 p.m. Pacific
  • April 25        
    Story Hour Performances (1/2 of the Class only)   
    6:30-9:00 p.m. Pacific
  • May 2       
    Story Hour Performances (1/2 of the Class only)   
    6:30-9:00 p.m. Pacific


Rounding – The instructor does not round points to the next whole number. If you receive an 89.6 you will get the grade equivalent for those points.

Grading Rubric/Individual Assignment Evaluation Forms
The rubric for written assignments and the instructor individual assignment/student evaluation forms are located on the Lessons page on the Angel course site.

The Importance of SOTES
Students evaluate the course and instructor at the end of each term.  This evaluation is known as the SOTES. An announcement will go out from the administration letting students/faculty know when the SOTES are available to complete. Those completing the SOTES, and informing me of doing so, will receive 1 point towards their overall grade. 1 point can make the difference between a higher and a lower grade overall. The importance of SOTES is very easy to describe – it is the student voice to the administration and the instructor giving feedback on the positives and negatives of the student’s experience in the class. Completing the SOTES is so very important to improving courses and instruction.

Point allocation and due dates

NOTE: The Instructor may add other readings in advance of the readings indicated in the outline. If additional readings are assigned the instructor will indicate well in advance what they are and what week they are associated with.

Assignment Points Date Due
Lecture/Guest Speaker 5

½ the class participates each night (February 8 and February 15). Students will be asked to choose a night by the instructor using a spreadsheet created in Google Docs. Spaces are limited for each night so spaces are on a first-come/first-served basis.

Group Presentations 10

Groups will work together and record an archived Blackboard Collaborate (asynchronous) Session that the Instructor will view and evaluate – by March 22. Students will be asked to choose a group by the instructor using a spreadsheet created in Google Docs. Spaces in each group are limited so spaces are on a first-come/first-served basis.

Story Time (Hour) Performances 20

Blackboard Collaborate Sessions on April 25 and May 2nd

½ of the class participates each night. Students will be asked to choose a night by the instructor using a spreadsheet created in Google Docs. Spaces are limited for each night so spaces are on a first-come/first-served basis.

Story Time (Hour) Series Plan 15 April 27th (Written)
12 Month Programming Plan 20 May 4th (Blog/Wiki)
Discussion Forums 29 See Discussion Threads Schedule for topics and points
SOTES 1 End of Semester
Total 100  


See each thread for number of posts and submission dates/times that are required. Additional posts are always welcomed and more posts create a much richer exchange of ideas and insights between classmates.

  • WEEK 1 - Discussion #1 (January 25 – January 29)
    Introduce yourself to the class. Tell us about yourself and where you are presently in the program. Feel free to post pictures (we love to see and hear about dogs, cats, children, hobbies) and anything else for us to get to know a little bit about you. (0 points)

    Post/Deadlines: 1 post by Friday, January 27th (midnight).
  • WEEK 4 - Discussion #2 (February 13 to February 19)
    Child Development
    Thread will focus on insights and observations on the readings about children’s development (brain, emotional and physical). (4 points)

    Post/Deadlines: You must post two substantial posts and two responses to others.  One substantial post on Tuesday by midnight, one substantial post on Thursday, plus two responses to classmates by Sunday at 5 p.m. Pacific
  • WEEK 7 - Discussion #3 (March 5 to March 11)
    Evaluation of Children’s Library Websites
    You should have reviewed all of the links that instructor provided (as well as reached beyond the resources given to ones you found on your own). This thread is focused on looking at children’s library web pages and critically evaluating them as to how easy it is to find services and programming that the library is offering for children/parents. What were some of the best and worst websites that you found? Include links in posts if possible. Be specific and include explanations supporting opinions. (4 points)

    Post/Deadlines: You must post two substantial posts and two responses to others.  One substantial post on Tuesday by midnight, one substantial post on Thursday, plus two responses to classmates by Sunday at 5 p.m. Pacific
  • WEEK 9 - Discussion #4 (March 19 to March 25)
    Using the text Crash Course in Children’s Services, Chapter 7, pages 95-110 discuss the general issues involved in providing “access” to children patrons and their parents or caregivers. Give original comment and include an additional look beyond these readings to see what is currently considered access issues for libraries (both school and public). You will have to do some brief research into the topic. We have group presentations on Homework Help/Tutoring and Early Literacy so these two don’t have to be included in the comments for this thread except in the most general of terms. (4 points)

    Post/Deadlines: You must post two substantial posts and two responses to others.  One substantial post on Tuesday by midnight, one substantial post on Thursday, plus two responses to classmates by Sunday at 5 p.m. Pacific
  • WEEK 13 - Discussion #5 (April 16 to April 22)
    The instructor will assign each student to a group and groups will work on the thread and creation of the other documents together. Each group will work separately on the assignment described below.

    Children’s Area Design – Discussion thread (4 points), Google Docs spreadsheet build (5 points), and drawing of area as designed by your group (6 points).

    Drawing can be hand drawn and then scanned for submission but it is preferred to create electronically if at all possible. ONE DRAWING PER GROUP. Post your drawing to the dropbox provided and include the number of the Group on it for instructor reference by no later than 5 p.m. Pacific April 22nd.

    It is important to know all of the various areas, equipment and furniture you’d include in your children’s area design as part of the Google Doc and area drawing.

    Post to the discussion thread what you’d want to include in your design, your thoughts on decisions you’d have to make. Discussion posts must be throughout the week scheduled. Each student must post two substantial posts (by Wednesday, April 18th midnight) and one response by no later than Friday, April 20th (midnight).

    BUILD GOOGLE DOC – Each group must contribute to the document on Google Docs. Do not create your own. All individual members in the group must contribute to the spreadsheet. Items should be lists of resources for equipment and furniture (tables, chairs, shelving, etc.) as well as any other physical items you think needed for the area including all pertinent information including name of supplier, cost, and contact info (web link for instance). You must list your name by ever item you post. There is a wealth of information on the web (see links provided on the course outline) about providers of furniture, shelving, equipment etc. and it will require research on your part to complete the assignment successfully. CAREFUL – be careful posting as this is a community worksheet and it is critical not to change, alter or delete other group member’s posts. (15 points total)

    Post/Deadlines: Look at the individual tasks.
  • WEEK 15 - Discussion #6 (APRIL 30 to MAY 6)
    Write one substantial post (Post by Thursday, May 3 at midnight) about what you’ve learned in the class this semester – what insights you’ve gained, opinion’s that were changed or were confirmed, etc. You must also answer 1 post to another student’s post by Sunday, May 6th.
    (2 points)

Discussion Thread - Competencies: A, D, M
Objectives: 1, 2, 6

Weekly Outlines

NOTE: Other resources will be added to the Activities and Resources page under each Week on the Outline so please make sure to reference it to make sure you are obtaining all the inforamtion about the work for each week.

WEEK 1 – January 25 to January 29

TASK: Choose Group Presentation Topic - Google Docs

From Detailed Assignment Description - Hot Topics Group Presentations
Students are allowed to pick the topic they want by signing up on a spreadsheet in Google Docs during the first week of the semester (specific number allowed in each group – will be first-come, first-serve). The invitation to access the spreadsheet will be sent out to all students registered in the class by January 15th. The deadline to respond will be Saturday, January 28th. The Instructor will place any student not responding by the deadline into a group." See assignment in detail under "Detailed Assignment Descriptions"

Introduction to Class – Instructor Lecture
Access Information will be posted on the announcement page.
Must be listened to by Friday, January 27th.

Discussion Thread #1

Introduce yourself to the class. Tell us about yourself and where you are presently in the program. Feel free to post pictures (we love to see and hear about dogs, cats, children, hobbies) and anything else for us to get to know a little bit about you. (0 points) Post/Deadlines: 1 post by Friday, January 27th (midnight).

Chapter 1(Reference)
Chapter 2 (Homework Help)
Chapter 1 (Knowledge of the Client Group)
Chapter 2 (Administrative and Management Skills)

Brain Development
Brain Development Research - (URL)
Pre-School Rainbow (URL)
Piaget Developmental Theory (URL)
ParentFurther(Developmental Overviews) (URL)

WEEK 2 – January 30 to February 5

TASK: Choose storytime performance night by Friday, February 3rd. You enter your choice on the Google Docs spreadsheet created by the Instructor.

Chapter 3 (Reader’s Advisory)
Chapter 3 (Communication Skills)
Chapter 4 (Materials and Collection Development)
Chapter 1 (Introduction to Early Childhood)
Chapter 2 (Introduction to Workshops)

Lectures - Listen to Introduction to Programming for Children

WEEK 3 – February 6 to February 12

Lecture/Guest Speaker

February 8th
6:30 – 9:00 p.m. Pacific

Chapter 4 (Book Selection)
Chapter 5 (Storytime)
Chapter 5 (Programming Skills)
Chapter 6 (Advocacy, Public Relations, and Networking Skills)
Chapter 3 (Print Motivation 1st Adult Workshop and Reading Aloud)
Chapter 4 Print Motivation 1st Session Children’s Workshop)

WEEK 4 – February 13 to February 19

Discussion Thread #2
Child Development
Thread will focus on insights and observations on the readings about children’s development (brain, emotional and physical). (4 points)
Post/Deadlines: You must post two substantial posts and two responses to others.  One substantial post on Tuesday by midnight, one substantial post on Thursday, plus two responses to classmates by Sunday at 5 p.m. Pacific

Lecture/Guest Speaker

February 15th
6:30 – 9:00 p.m. Pacific

Chapter 7(Professionalism and Professional Development)
Chapter 5 (Print Awareness – Adult Workshop)
Chapter 6 (Print Awareness – 2nd Children’s Workshop)

WEEK 5 – September 19 to September 25

Chapter 6 (Programming)
Chapter 7 (Issues in Children’s Library Service)
Appendix A
Chapter 7 (Letter Knowledge – 3rd Session Adult)
Chapter 8 (3rd Letter Knowledge Children’s Workshop)

WEEK 6 – February 27 to March 4

Chapter 9 (Vocabulary – 4th Session Adult Workshop)
Chapter 10 (Vocabulary 4th Session Children’s Workshop

WEEK 7 – March 5 to March 11

Discussion Thread #3
Evaluation of Children’s Library Websites

You should have reviewed all of the links that instructor provided under Week 7 Course Outlines (as well as reached beyond the resources given to ones you found on your own). This thread is focused on looking at children’s library web pages and critically evaluating them as to how easy it is to find services and programming that the library is offering for children/parents. What were some of the best and worst websites that you found? Include links in posts if possible. Be specific and include explanations supporting opinions. (4 points)
Post/Deadlines: You must post two substantial posts and two responses to others.  One substantial post on Tuesday by midnight, one substantial post on Thursday, plus two responses to classmates by Sunday at 5 p.m. Pacific

Chapter 11 (Narrative Skills 5th Session Adult Workshop)
Chapter 12 (Narrative Skills 5th Session Children’s Workshop)

Story Time – a front line perspective

WEEK 8 – March 12 to March 18

TASK: Group Facilitators – Turn in Group outline for presentation to instructor using dropbox provided. Must be submitted no later than midnight, Thursday, March 15th.

Chapter 13 (Phonological Awareness 6th Session Adult Workshop)
Chapter 14 (Phonological Awareness 6th Session Adult Workshop)

Dialogic Reading 

Dialogic Reading 

WEEK 9 – March 19 to March 25

Discussion Thread #4

Using the text Crash Course in Children’s Services, Chapter 7, pages 95-110 discuss the general issues involved in providing “access” to children patrons and their parents or caregivers. Give original comment and include an additional look beyond these readings to see what is currently considered access issues for libraries (both school and public). You will have to do some brief research into the topic. We have group presentations on Homework Help/Tutoring and Early Literacy so these two don’t have to be included in the comments for this thread except in the most general of terms. (4 points)
Post/Deadlines: You must post two substantial posts and two responses to others.  One substantial post on Tuesday by midnight, one substantial post on Thursday, plus two responses to classmates by Sunday at 5 p.m. Pacific

Appendix A, Five: Programming Skills, page 84 (look at all websites)

Research and work on items assigned for Week 11’s discussion thread #5.

WEEK 10 – March 26 to April 1 – SPRING BREAK!!!
Nothing assigned for this week

WEEK 11 – April 2 to April 8

Walter (from Children & Libraries)
Chapter 7 (See PDF link under Week 11 Outline on the D2L site)

Continue work on discussion thread tasks for Week 13

WEEK 12 – April 9 to April 15

Continue work on discussion thread tasks for Week 13

WEEK 13 – April 16 to April 22

Discussion Thread #5
The instructor will assign each student to a group and groups will work on the thread and creation of the other documents together. Each group will work separately on the assignment described below.

Post to the discussion thread what you’d want to include in your design, your thoughts on decisions you’d have to make. Discussion posts must be throughout the week scheduled. Each student must post two substantial posts (by Wednesday, April 18th midnight) and one response by no later than Friday, April 20th (midnight).

Children’s Area Design – Discussion thread (4 points), Google Docs spreadsheet build (5 points), and drawing of area as designed by your group (6 points). 15 points total

Area Design Drawing can be hand drawn and then scanned for submission but it is preferred to create electronically if at all possible. ONE DRAWING PER GROUP. Post your drawing to the dropbox provided and include the number of the Group on it for instructor reference by no later than 5 p.m. Pacific April 22nd.

It is important to know all of the various areas, equipment and furniture you’d include in your children’s area design as part of the Google Doc and area drawing.

BUILD GOOGLE DOC – Each group must contribute to the document on Google Docs. Do not create your own. All individual members in the group must contribute to the spreadsheet. Items should be lists of resources for equipment and furniture (tables, chairs, shelving, etc.) as well as any other physical items you think needed for the area including all pertinent information including name of supplier, cost, and contact info (web link for instance). You must list your name by ever item you post. There is a wealth of information on the web (see links provided on the course outline) about providers of furniture, shelving, equipment etc. and it will require research on your part to complete the assignment successfully. CAREFUL – be careful posting as this is a community worksheet and it is critical not to change, alter or delete other group member’s posts. All postings must be made by no later than 5 p.m. Sunday, April 22nd.
Post/Deadlines: Look within the individual events above.

WEEK 14 – April 23 to April 29

Story Time (Hour) Performances (1/2 Class)

April 25
6:30 – 9:00 p.m. Pacific
The instructor will assign ½ the class to the first session and ½ the class to the second session.

Story Time (Hour) Plan (Written Paper)
Submit to Dropbox
If blog/wiki/wiki provide URL to Instructor using discussion thread provided.

Children’s Programming and Services Part 1 and Part 2

WEEK 15 – April 30 to May 6

Discussion Thread #6

Write one substantial post (Post by Thursday, May 3 at midnight) about what you’ve learned in the class this semester – what insights you’ve gained, opinion’s that were changed or were confirmed, etc. You must also answer 1 post to another student’s post by Sunday, May 6th. (2 points)

Appendix A, Seven: Professionalism and Professional Development, page 85

Youth Services Librarians Roles and Competencies
The Suicide of the Public Librarian/Management efforts to look good in the short term are leading to the demise of the MLS

Additional Readings may be added

Story Time (Hour) Performances (1/2 Class)

May 2nd
6:30 – 9:00 p.m. Pacific
The instructor will assign ½ the class to the first session and ½ the class to the second session.

WEEK 16 – May 7 to May 14

Assignment Due:
12-Month Programming Plan/Blog/wiki URL – due May 4th (midnight) to the discussion thread provided.

Detailed Assignment Descriptions


Format:  Group Project – Blackboard Collaborate Presentation
Each group will research, plan and present a 20-minute presentation. Each group will create this presentation using Blackboard Collaborate and then send the Instructor the link to the archived session no later than March 22nd (midnight).

Points - 10

Students will be asked to choose a group by the instructor using a spreadsheet created in Google Docs. Spaces in each group are limited so spaces are on a first-come/first-served basis.

The invitation to access the spreadsheet will be sent out to all students registered in the class by January 15th. The deadline to respond will be Saturday, January 28th (Midnight). The Instructor will place any student not responding by the deadline into a group.

Each group will select a group representative. The group representative’s name must be given to the instructor no later than Friday, February 3rd. The representative will communicate with the instructor and the Blackboard Collaborate assistant during the semester eliminating the need for everyone in the group to communicate directly with the instructor and Blackboard Collaborate assistant and vice versa about general group questions.

The group must post an outline of their presentation (table of contents like document – keep it simple) with the area or topic to be presented and the person or person(s) that will be responsible for researching and presenting that part of the presentation.

The outline must be posted to the discussion thread provided no later than Thursday, March 15th (midnight). The importance of each member’s participation in the project is critical. Each member must contribute equally to the project creation.

The Instructor has chosen several topics in Children’s Programming and Services. Each of the topics will be described in detail on the D2L course web site. Each group will research the issue chosen/assigned. Members of each group must start working together immediately. Don’t delay in getting together and planning, researching and designing. Presentations will be conducted using Blackboard Collaborate. Each group presents using PowerPoint or another approved method. Blackboard Collaborate allows showing video, whiteboard, screen sharing and showing of PowerPoint slides. Our Blackboard Collaborate Assistant will be a great resource on what can be used to facilitate the presentation. We’ll discuss approved formats as we move into the semester. An audio (only) presentation is not acceptable.

Competencies: D, F, I
Objectives: 1, 5, 6

Format: VideoTape (shown during Collaborate session)

Performances: Students will be asked to choose a night by the instructor using a spreadsheet created in Google Docs. Spaces are limited for each night so spaces are on a first-come/first-served basis. Instructor will inform students when the spreadsheet is available.

Performance nights are:

  • April 25                       
    Story Time Performances (1/2 Class)           
    6:30:9:00 p.m. Pacific
  • May 2nd           
    Story Time Performances (1/2 Class)           
    6:30-9:00 p.m. Pacific

TIME LIMIT: Each student performs for 10 minutes (you must fill the entire time). This time includes the introduction to each performance.

This assignment is to allow you to have fun and be creative and at the same time develop a necessary skill for being an effective children’s librarian in the areas of programming and services.

Students must design and perform a snippet of a story time for two of the three groups below. You are not required to do an entire storytime because they can last anywhere from 20-40 minutes. Students can create performances for all three age groups below but the performances must stay within the ten-minute time limit allowed.

  • Baby Lapsit
  • Toddler
  • All Ages (Families with kids usually 0-8 years in age

Use the template found under Week 16 – Resources for Story Time for story time to plan your performance.

Please load videos using YouTube, Vimeo or BlipTV.  Audio only performances are not allowed. We will watch student videos before the Blackboard Collaborate sessions as well as watch specific ones during each of the sessions for evaluation and comment.

  • Students must provide an introduction to their performances as a part of the video (not as a separate piece).
  • You must include what the audience will see you perform (song, followed by book X, then finger play, then another song for example – you would be way more specific but still brief) and what the audience (see three categories above) would be.
  • You may perform for just the camera or find a daycare, school or public library that may allow you to videotape yourself in front of a live audience.
  • Performing for friends and their children is allowed.
  • Live audiences are much better but they are not mandatory.

URL’s must be posted to the discussion threads provided:

  • For those presenting on April 25th by Monday, April 22nd Midnight
  • For those presenting on May 2nd by April 29th at Midnight

Students watch all videos from all students but only evaluate those students presenting on their night. If a student wants to evaluate the other session students they are more than welcome to do so.

The Instructor evaluates all student performances.

Sample performances are provided on the D2L site under Content – Resources for Story Time (Hour) Performances.

Competencies: D, F, M
Objectives:  1,2,3


Format: Written Paper (blog/wikis are also acceptable – inform instructor if doing blog/wiki).

DUE: April 27th (midnight) to the dropbox if paper and URL to instructor via discussion thread if blog/wiki.


  • Plan out a 1-month story time program with a monthly theme. Design weekly themes that compliment the monthly theme (for example the month theme could be Winter - one week of story time themes could be stories about snow, another week focuses on animals that live in the snow).
  • Design (write) 8 story times. - 4 weeks, 2 story times per week. Students must include baby lapsit, toddlers, and family - all ages (0-8 focus). You will pick out all materials to be used including any props.
  • You must use the template provided by the instructor for the actual story time plan. You must complete each area indicated on the template for each of you story times. You will end up creating 8 of these templates for inclusion in your paper and/or blog/wiki.
  • Students need to include at least two from each of the three age/type/categories. You are not allowed to do all the story times for the same age group.
  • Students will research the necessary elements of each type of story time and will review all course materials posted on the D2L site under Content – Resources for Story Time Assignment.

In addition to the templates you must include the following in the narrative part of your paper/blog/wiki:

  • Demographics for the library community as far as families and ethnicity (imaginary or from real place)
  • Schedule for Story Times including time frame for each program – think marketing blurb about story times that you have seen for your web site discussion thread assignment.
  • Include information on how the various activities enhance developmental activities for the intended age group.
  • Conclusion – this should be a descriptive section that ties your whole program together and shows a synthesis from start to finish.
  • Reference Page
  • Create an appendix for examples of any handouts (sample of a coloring page or other activity) that would be included in the story time (see D2L Course Site under Content – Resources for Story Time Assignment for examples). You may include one example say a coloring page you are planning to hand out in your appendix and then include additional links to other handouts.

Paper Composition (If you chose blog/wiki please consult with the Instructor as to how you have to design to facilitate including all of the criteria necessary for paper format in your blog/wiki.)

  • May not exceed the 25 pages in length. This includes the title page and the references. (Blog/wikis must equal the same amount in content that you would include in a paper)
  • Must have a title page with the following information:  Title of paper, Class number and title, Name of Student, Name of Instructor, University and Date of Assignment. If you do a blog/wiki then you must include all of this information on the banner or in a predominant place on the blog/wiki homepage. Page numbers and the name of the assignment must appear on all pages except the title page (This requirement does not apply to blog/wikis.
  • Narrative parts of the papers must be doubled spaced. This requirement does not apply to blog/wikis.
  • Reference page citations within the narrative must meet APA guidelines

Competencies: D, F, M
Objectives: 1, 2, 3


(Use a blog/wiki template software that will accommodate all the various elements of the assignment- Blog/wikiger, Live Journal, Weebly to name just a few)

DUE – May 4th (Send URL to Instructor via the discussion thread provided)

Develop a 12-month programming plan for a children’s area, including activities for all ages, and early literacy training/programming for parents. Design an overall theme for the year, and/or themes for each month and displays that coordinate with them. Include information on how the various activities enhance developmental activities at various ages. You are going way beyond the story time planning into other areas of programming and services but you may include any materials you created for your Story Time Plan as part of this assignment if you need to.

 Make plan as realistic and detailed as possible even though this may be an imaginary library. Include best guesses for costs of what an activity or professional program might cost. The instructor strongly suggests spending time consulting with an actual public or school librarian to get ideas and make plans as realistic as possible.

You must include the following sections in your paper (you may include more areas or topics but the ones listed must be included:

  1. Introduction
  2. Month by month programming outline with a description of each program, cost of each program (show your work),overall budget allocation for children’s programming for the year must be stated, volunteers needed, any other support you can think of, marketing/advertising plan, displays, etc.
  3. If you are going to seek out additional sponsorship to fund your programming plan other than what your place of employment would give you please include what companies/entities you think you would approach and why you think they would be interested in supporting your children’s library programming.
  4. Summary
  5. Additional areas you think would benefit the assignment.

EXAMPLE: Under Content on the D2L course website – Resources for 12-Month Planning Assignment

Blog/wiki Component Composition

  • May not exceed the equivalent of a 40-page paper in length. (Blog/wikis must equal the same amount in content that you would include in a paper worth this percentage of your grade)
  • The blog/wiki banner must include the following: Title, Class number and title, Name of Student, Name of Instructor, University and Date of Assignment. You may chose to place this information in predominant place on the blog/wiki homepage instead of the banner but be sure it is very visible when opening the blog/wiki.
  • Reference page citations within the narrative must meet APA guidelines

Competencies: A, F, M
Objectives: 2, 3, 6

Textbooks and Readings

Required Textbooks:

  • Cerny, R., Markey, P., amp; Williams, A. (2006). Outstanding Library Service to Children. ALA. Available through Amazon: 0838909221. arrow gif indicating link outside sjsu domain
  • Peck, P. (2006). Crash Course in Children's Services. Libraries Unlimited. Available through Amazon: 1591583527. arrow gif indicating link outside sjsu domain
  • Snow, S. (2007). Building Blocks: Building a Parent Child Literacy Program at Your Library. Libraries Unlimited. Available through Amazon: 159158471X. arrow gif indicating link outside sjsu domain

Grading Scale

The standard SJSU School of Information Grading Scale is utilized for all iSchool courses:

97 to 100 A
94 to 96 A minus
91 to 93 B plus
88 to 90 B
85 to 87 B minus
82 to 84 C plus
79 to 81 C
76 to 78 C minus
73 to 75 D plus
70 to 72 D
67 to 69 D minus
Below 67 F


In order to provide consistent guidelines for assessment for graduate level work in the School, these terms are applied to letter grades:

  • C represents Adequate work; a grade of "C" counts for credit for the course;
  • B represents Good work; a grade of "B" clearly meets the standards for graduate level work;
    For core courses in the MLIS program (not MARA) — INFO 200, INFO 202, INFO 204 — the iSchool requires that students earn a B in the course. If the grade is less than B (B- or lower) after the first attempt you will be placed on administrative probation.  You must repeat the class the following semester. If -on the second attempt- you do not pass the class with a grade of B or better (not B- but B) you will be disqualified.
  • A represents Exceptional work; a grade of "A" will be assigned for outstanding work only.

Students are advised that it is their responsibility to maintain a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA).

University Policies

General Expectations, Rights and Responsibilities of the Student

As members of the academic community, students accept both the rights and responsibilities incumbent upon all members of the institution. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with SJSU's policies and practices pertaining to the procedures to follow if and when questions or concerns about a class arises. See University Policy S90-5 at More detailed information on a variety of related topics is available in the SJSU catalog at In general, it is recommended that students begin by seeking clarification or discussing concerns with their instructor. If such conversation is not possible, or if it does not serve to address the issue, it is recommended that the student contact the Department Chair as a next step.

Dropping and Adding

Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drop, grade forgiveness, etc. Refer to the current semester's Catalog Policies section at Add/drop deadlines can be found on the current academic year calendars document on the Academic Calendars webpage at The Late Drop Policy is available at Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for dropping classes.

Information about the latest changes and news is available at the Advising Hub at

Consent for Recording of Class and Public Sharing of Instructor Material

University Policy S12-7,, requires students to obtain instructor's permission to record the course and the following items to be included in the syllabus:

  • "Common courtesy and professional behavior dictate that you notify someone when you are recording him/her. You must obtain the instructor's permission to make audio or video recordings in this class. Such permission allows the recordings to be used for your private, study purposes only. The recordings are the intellectual property of the instructor; you have not been given any rights to reproduce or distribute the material."
    • It is suggested that the syllabus include the instructor's process for granting permission, whether in writing or orally and whether for the whole semester or on a class by class basis.
    • In classes where active participation of students or guests may be on the recording, permission of those students or guests should be obtained as well.
  • "Course material developed by the instructor is the intellectual property of the instructor and cannot be shared publicly without his/her approval. You may not publicly share or upload instructor generated material for this course such as exam questions, lecture notes, or homework solutions without instructor consent."

Academic integrity

Your commitment, as a student, to learning is evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University. The University Academic Integrity Policy F15-7 at requires you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The Student Conduct and Ethical Development website is available at

Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 at requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the Accessible Education Center (AEC) at to establish a record of their disability.

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