Complete Employment Paperwork
Submit employment paperwork and supporting documentation (as outlined in your letter of appointment) to
Roffna Principe .
Important Information to Review
iSchool website .
Familiarize yourself with the content and resources available on the iSchool website .
In particular see the
class schedules
and note the semester and holiday dates listed at the top of the page.
Update your
home computing environment
to meet the standards required by the School.
Faculty handbook .
Explore the
iSchool Faculty Handbook
for information about university policies and procedures, administrative forms, technology information and support, and details about iSchool's curriculum and programs.
Canvas tutorials . Familiarize yourself with how to build your course site
in Canvas by reviewing the tutorials. Access the faculty tutorials via the School's
Canvas login page .
Canvas faculty site . Examine the iSchool faculty site in Canvas. It contains
detailed information about most items included in this checklist.
Additional Information
Teaching online in Canvas.
Bethany Winslow (the School's Director of Online Learning) will send instructions on how to complete a required online teaching course, which includes training on how to build your Canvas course site.
Faculty webpage .
Set up your faculty webpage. Faculty assume responsibility for updating their own iSchool webpage profiles.
Note that students refer to this webpage when choosing courses and looking for
shared academic interests. For instructions, click here . Contact the
Web Technology Team
with questions.
Vendor Databases .
Review the
list of databases and other resources
available to iSchool faculty and students. Some of the databases (e.g., Dialog) require
passwords to be set up by
Gina Lee .
Other resources on this page may be accessed with the iSchool Restricted Materials login that changes each term. You will receive a notice at the beginning of each term with the new login and password.
Textbooks .
Select your course textbooks using your no-login GSS link
See Textbook ordering deadlines . Contact
Bethany Winslow with questions.
Teaching software .
Review the
list of software available
for faculty to use in their classes. If there is a particular software you'd like to use, contact
Abigail Laufer
(the iSchool's Network Administrator) to obtain permissions. Text version of audio materials is required. See instructions for requesting captions for Panopto recordings . Instructions for Zoom are listed here .
Additional software is available from SJSU IT and from eCampus .
Establish Accounts for Systems Used by iSchool Faculty
Once you receive your 9 digit SJSU ID number, use it to create your SJSUOne login . You will use this login to access Canvas, MySJSU (PeopleSoft), Google Apps (including email), library resources, SOTE course evaluations, and Zoom. This login is also known as your Single Sign-On (SSO) login.
If you need assistance, contact
Gina Lee
(the iSchool's Student Services Coordinator).
Register for DUO 2 Factor Authentication . You will use this for authentication when you connect to MySJSU, Canvas, and other university systems.
Email .
SJSU uses Google Workspace and students default to using your SJSU email. Make sure you access and use your new email address or that you set up forwarding so those messages come to an account you regularly use.
MySJSU (PeopleSoft) .
Your MySJSU account allows you to access your class rosters, send messages to enrolled students before the semester begins, submit grades at the end of the semester, and check your employment data. Access MySJSU through the one.SJSU portal.
King Library account .
Become familiar with SJSU's Martin Luther King Library .
If you are unable to access your account, contact , the library’s Access Services Coordinator.
More information on
library services
and support for faculty (such as Interlibrary Loan and Citation Managers) can be found on SJSU's
LibGuide for LIS Faculty
and the
LibGuide for LIS Students .
LibGuides are also available for
MARA and
Government Information and
Informatics .
Course reserve readings: Check the library catalog for materials you wish to use in your class. You may either use a permalink or post article PDFs within your Canvas course site. Print materials can be scanned by library staff and posted in your site. See additional information about the library’s electronic reserves .
SOTES Results (Student Course Evaluations)
can be accessed via . The university will send a notification when evaluation results are available.
2-5 Weeks Before the Semester Starts
Steps to Complete
Course syllabus .
Prepare and submit your course syllabus using
the No Login GSS system .
Robert Lucore , a member of our technology team, for help.
If you are teaching a required course (INFO 200, INFO 202, INFO 204, INFO 285),
Linda Main
(the iSchool's Associate Director) will introduce you to the core course coordinator.
The course coordinator will discuss the course with you, provide access to shared instructional materials, and alert you to any required content and assignments.
Course Learning Outcomes .
If you are teaching an existing class, your Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) and Core Competencies
have already been designated. If you are teaching a new course to iSchool, you will need to submit the CLOs and Core Competencies for approval before you submit your syllabus. Please request the URL for
the approval form from
Dr. Sue Alman ,
(Curriculum Co-chair).
Canvas course site .
As part of the Teaching Online course, you will meet with one of our Canvas administrators to begin building your course content in your practice course site.
Class rosters . You can view your class rosters and contact students before the semester begins by using MySJSU. Class rosters are available as soon as registration begins, so you can monitor enrollment. See the faculty Canvas site under "Class Rosters: First Time Instructors". If you need further assistance, contact
Gina Lee
(the iSchool's Student Services Coordinator).
Approximately one month before the start of the semester, the university will make available on your Canvas site a "shell" for your course(s). Watch for important instructions from an iSchool's Canvas Administrator regarding dates and processes for copying course content from practice shell sites into the actual semester course sites.
First Day of Instruction
Official start of the class .
Post an announcement on your Canvas course site introducing yourself and welcoming students to the new semester.
Restricted materials login .
Notify students of the restricted materials ID and password each semester. They will use this login information to access some restricted course readings as well as other restricted sites. Bethany Winslow , Director of Online Learning, will email the restricted materials log-in information prior to the first day of class each semester.
C Adding students .
It is your prerogative to add students to your class after open registration ends. If you are willing to take additional students, you must provide them with a permission number to enroll. You can find permission codes with the class roster on MySJSU.
End of Semester
Course-Specific Tasks
Teaching evaluations .
Remind students to complete the Student Opinion of Teaching Effectiveness Survey (SOTES). Evaluations are required for all part-time faculty. Note that you can access copies of your students' completed SOTEs early in the following semester via one.SJSU . These will be added to your personnel file.
Peer reviews .
University policy requires that a peer review be conducted for temporary faculty members in at least one course the first semester of their appointment and at least every third semester thereafter.
(See Faculty Handbook, Peer Review Guidelines ).
Grades .
Grades are due approximately 2 weeks after the formal last day of instruction, and you must
submit your students' grades through MySJSU by that posted deadline. Instructions and deadlines
can be found in the Canvas faculty site.
General Tasks
Annual review .
Complete your annual review, which is required by the University Personnel office. Roffna Principe will send you the required forms by Docusign, which you will return to her when completed. This happens in spring semester only.
At Any Time A
Travel .
Submit the Travel Approval Requests and Travel Reimbursement forms to Roffna Principe .
Remember all reimbursable travel must be approved by iSchool and CPGE administrators.
Conferences . If you are attending a professional conference, consider meeting with iSchool students there. For more information, including possible
iSchool's financial support for your travel, see iSchool's Travel Fund Criteria for Part-time Faculty .