Spring 2025 Syllabi Pages
Course numbers are linked as the syllabi are published.
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Listed by Course Number & Instructor
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Sections | Instructor |
INFM 200-10 | Kaltenbacher |
Informatics Fundamentals | |
INFM 200-11 | Morgan, L. |
Informatics Fundamentals | |
INFM 201-10 | Benoit |
Informatics Technology Foundations | |
INFM 202-10 | Benoit |
Information Security Overview | |
INFM 202-11 | San Nicolas-Rocca |
Information Security Overview | |
INFM 203-10 | Jain |
Big Data Analytics and Management | |
INFM 204-10, 11 | Conrad |
Human Centered Design | |
INFM 205-10 | Gaffney |
Informatics Project Management | |
INFM 206-10 | Rodriguez |
Electronic Records Foundations | |
INFM 207-10 | Horodyski |
DAM-Digital Assets Management | |
INFM 208-10 | San Nicolas-Rocca |
Information Security-Information Assurance | |
INFM 208-11 | San Nicolas-Rocca |
Information Security-Information Assurance | |
INFM 210-10 | Zamir |
Health Informatics | |
INFM 211-10 | Kaltenbacher |
Informatics Culminating Project | |
INFM 213-10 | Sapp |
Epidemiological Methods | |
INFM 284-10 | Smoldon |
Seminar in Informatics - AI and Machine Learning in Health Care and the Pharmaceutical Industry (3 units) | |
INFO 200-08, 18 | Akers Gifford |
Information Communities | |
INFO 200-05, 07, 10, 11, 12 | Bontenbal |
Information Communities | |
INFO 200-03, 06 | Evangeliste |
Information Communities | |
INFO 200-19 | Gosart |
Information Communities | |
INFO 200-14, 15, 16 | Koontz |
Information Communities | |
INFO 200-01 | Liu, Z. |
Information Communities | |
INFO 200-20 | Mairn |
Information Communities | |
INFO 200-13 | Schmidt, A. |
Information Communities | |
INFO 200-17 | Stephens |
Information Communities | |
INFO 200-02, 04 | van Arnhem |
Information Communities | |
INFO 202-13 | Chen |
Information Retrieval System Design | |
INFO 202-06 | Ghosh |
Information Retrieval System Design | |
INFO 202-10, 18 | Hodges |
Information Retrieval System Design | |
INFO 202-01, 02, 03, 04, 05 | Johnson, A. |
Information Retrieval System Design | |
INFO 202-17 | Mooradian |
Information Retrieval System Design | |
INFO 202-07, 19, 20 | Perucci |
Information Retrieval System Design | |
INFO 202-14, 15, 16 | Scott |
Information Retrieval System Design | |
INFO 202-12 | Tucker |
Information Retrieval System Design | |
INFO 202-11 | Zhang, L. |
Information Retrieval System Design | |
INFO 203-14, 15, 21 | Akers Gifford |
Online Learning: Tools and Strategies for Success | |
INFO 203-05, 18 | Ros |
Online Learning: Tools and Strategies for Success | |
INFO 203-01, 02, 03, 04 | Runnels |
Online Learning: Tools and Strategies for Success | |
INFO 203-10, 11, 12, 13 | Steiner |
Online Learning: Tools and Strategies for Success | |
INFO 204-10 | Disher |
Information Professions | |
INFO 204-07, 11 | Evangeliste |
Information Professions | |
INFO 204-03, 14, 18 | Gaffney |
Information Professions | |
INFO 204-01, 04, 19 | Hutchinson |
Information Professions | |
INFO 204-06, 15, 16 | Ozoh |
Information Professions | |
INFO 204-02, 05, 12, 20 | Price |
Information Professions | |
INFO 204-17 | Rosenblum |
Information Professions | |
INFO 204-13 | Tignor |
Information Professions | |
INFO 210-01, 02 | Aguinaga |
Reference and Information Services - General - Three (3) Unit Version | |
INFO 210-03, 04 | Hutchinson |
Reference and Information Services - General - Three (3) Unit Version | |
INFO 210-11, 15 | Ozoh |
Reference and Information Services - General - Three (3) Unit Version | |
INFO 210-12 | Torres |
Reference and Information Services - General - Three (3) Unit Version | |
INFO 210-10 | Tunon |
Reference and Information Services - General - Three (3) Unit Version | |
INFO 210-13 | Tunon |
Reference and Information Services - Reference Collections in the 21st century (1 unit) | |
INFO 210-14 | Tunon |
Reference and Information Services - Reference in the Age of AI and Google (2 units) | |
INFO 220-11 | Chomintra |
Resources and Information Services in Professions and Disciplines - Maps & GIS (2 units) | |
INFO 220-12 | Ossom |
Resources and Information Services in Professions and Disciplines - Data Services in Libraries (3 units) | |
INFO 220-10 | Steiner |
Resources and Information Services in Professions and Disciplines - Legal Resources (2 units) | |
INFO 220-01 | Sullivan, M. |
Resources and Information Services in Professions and Disciplines - Visual Resources Curation and Arts Librarianship (2 units) | |
INFO 230-01 | Aguinaga |
Issues in Academic Libraries | |
INFO 230-10 | Elliott |
Issues in Academic Libraries | |
INFO 232-01, 10, 11 | Barefoot |
Issues in Public Libraries | |
INFO 233-10 | Harlan |
School Library Media Centers | |
INFO 237-01 | Bogan |
School Library Media Materials | |
INFO 237-10 | Harlan |
School Library Media Materials | |
INFO 240-01 | Doane |
Information Technology Tools and Applications | |
INFO 240-02, 10, 11 | McCarthy |
Information Technology Tools and Applications | |
INFO 240-12 | Romanik |
Information Technology Tools and Applications | |
INFO 241-11 | Dickey |
Automated Library Systems - Current Expansions of the ILS already in play (e-books, social media) (1 unit) | |
INFO 241-12 | Dickey |
Automated Library Systems - Emerging technologies that could be core pieces in 3-5 years (linked data, the Internet of Things) (1 unit) | |
INFO 241-10 | Dickey |
Automated Library Systems - The ILS and basic functionality for all library systems (1 unit) | |
INFO 242-01, 10 | Liu, G. |
Database Management | |
INFO 244-01 | Friedland |
Online Searching | |
INFO 244-10, 11 | Steiner |
Online Searching | |
INFO 246-02, 12 | Chen |
Information Technology Tools and Applications - Advanced - Information Visualization (3 units) | |
INFO 246-13 | Clark |
Information Technology Tools and Applications - Advanced - APIs (1 unit) | |
INFO 246-14 | Ghosh |
Information Technology Tools and Applications - Advanced - Math for Machine Learning (1 unit) | |
INFO 246-05, 16 | Nathan-Roberts |
Information Technology Tools and Applications - Advanced - User Experience (UX) Research and Design (3 units) | |
INFO 246-01, 10 | Perry |
Information Technology Tools and Applications - Advanced - Building Web Applications with PHP and JavaScript (3 units) | |
INFO 246-03, 11 | Perry |
Information Technology Tools and Applications - Advanced - Python (2 units) | |
INFO 246-04, 15 | Tucker |
Information Technology Tools and Applications - Advanced - Information Architecture (3 units) | |
INFO 247-10 | Zhang, L. |
Vocabulary Design | |
INFO 248-10, 11, 12 | Bolin |
Beginning Cataloging and Classification | |
INFO 248-13 | Chandler |
Beginning Cataloging and Classification | |
INFO 248-01, 02 | Khosrowpour |
Beginning Cataloging and Classification | |
INFO 248-14 | Zhang, L. |
Beginning Cataloging and Classification | |
INFO 250-01, 11, 12 | Kovacs |
Design and Implementation of Instructional Strategies for Information Professionals - Instructional Design Non K-12 Focus (3 units) | |
INFO 250-02, 10 | Loertscher |
Design and Implementation of Instructional Strategies for Information Professionals - Instructional Design K-12 Focus (3 units) | |
INFO 251-10 | Kovacs |
Web Usability | |
INFO 254-10 | Becker |
Information Literacy and Learning | |
INFO 254-01, 11 | Valenti |
Information Literacy and Learning | |
INFO 256-01, 02 | de Lorenzo |
Archives and Manuscripts | |
INFO 256-11 | Hodges |
Archives and Manuscripts | |
INFO 256-10, 12 | Lawrimore |
Archives and Manuscripts | |
INFO 259-11 | Bushey |
Preservation Management | |
INFO 259-01 | Holmes |
Preservation Management | |
INFO 259-10 | Skinner |
Preservation Management | |
INFO 260A-11, 12 | Houde |
Programming and Services for Children | |
INFO 260A-01, 02 | Peck |
Programming and Services for Children | |
INFO 260A-10 | Wrenn-Estes |
Programming and Services for Children | |
INFO 261A-01 | Bernier |
Programming and Services for Young Adults | |
INFO 261A-10, 11 | Velasquez |
Programming and Services for Young Adults | |
INFO 263-01 | Peck |
Materials for Children | |
INFO 263-10 | Wrenn-Estes |
Materials for Children | |
INFO 265-10 | Houde |
Materials for Young Adults | |
INFO 266-01, 10 | Bodart |
Collection Management | |
INFO 266-12 | Disher |
Collection Management | |
INFO 266-11 | Loertscher |
Collection Management | |
INFO 266-13 | Oliver, J. |
Collection Management | |
INFO 267-13 | Hunt |
Seminar in Services to Children and Young Adults - Materials for Early Adolescence (3 units) | |
INFO 267-01, 11 | Snow |
Seminar in Services to Children and Young Adults - Outreach Services to Teens and Children (2 units) | |
INFO 267-10 | Wrenn-Estes |
Seminar in Services to Children and Young Adults - Intellectual Freedom - YA (3 units) | |
INFO 271A-10 | Hunt |
Genres and Topics in Youth Literature - Fantasy (3 units) | |
INFO 275-11 | Houde |
Library Services for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Communities | |
INFO 275-01, 10 | Liu, Z. |
Library Services for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Communities | |
INFO 281-15 | Bailey |
Seminar in Contemporary Issues - Open Access (1 unit) | |
INFO 281-10 | Bolin |
Seminar in Contemporary Issues - Metadata (3 units) | |
INFO 281-06, 19 | Buckley |
Seminar in Contemporary Issues - Fostering Accessibility in the Library (1 unit) | |
INFO 281-05, 17 | Buckley |
Seminar in Contemporary Issues - Serving Homeless Patrons In Public Libraries (1 unit) | |
INFO 281-02, 12, 13 | Buenting |
Seminar in Contemporary Issues - Intercultural Communication (2 units) | |
INFO 281-01, 11 | de Lorenzo |
Seminar in Contemporary Issues - Metadata (3 units) | |
INFO 281-03, 14 | Evangeliste |
Seminar in Contemporary Issues - Civic Literacy (1 unit) | |
INFO 281-07, 20 | Gosart |
Seminar in Contemporary Issues - Indigenous Cultural Institutions and Practices of Librarianship (3 units) | |
INFO 281-21 | Pershing |
Seminar in Contemporary Issues - Adult Services (2 units) | |
INFO 281-18 | Price |
Seminar in Contemporary Issues - Global Principles - Local Libraries (2 units) | |
INFO 281-04, 16 | Villagran |
Seminar in Contemporary Issues - Cultural Competence for Information Professionals (3 units) | |
INFO 282-11 | Alman |
Seminar in Library Management - The Emerging Future: Technology Issues and Trends (3 units) | |
INFO 282-13 | Barefoot |
Seminar in Library Management - Change Management (1 unit) | |
INFO 282-15 | Confetti Higgins |
Seminar in Library Management - Information Vendor Landscape (2 units) | |
INFO 282-01, 16 | Gaffney |
Seminar in Library Management - Project Management (2 units) | |
INFO 282-10, 12 | Horodyski |
Seminar in Library Management - Digital Asset Management (3 units) | |
INFO 282-04, 20 | Kobiela-Mondor |
Seminar in Library Management - Well Being and Librarianship (1 unit) | |
INFO 282-03 | Koontz |
Seminar in Library Management - Marketing of Products and Services (1 unit) | |
INFO 282-17 | Megaridis |
Seminar in Library Management - Knowledge Management (1 unit) | |
INFO 282-02, 14 | Sweeney, P. |
Seminar in Library Management - Political Advocacy (1 unit) | |
INFO 282-18 | Wong, P. |
Seminar in Library Management - Grant Writing (3 units) | |
INFO 282-19 | Zuiderweg |
Seminar in Library Management - Crisis Management Planning, Communications and Deployment (2 units) | |
INFO 284-04 | Boehlert |
Seminar in Archives and Records Management - Digitization and Digital Preservation (3 units) | |
INFO 284-01, 17 | Bushey |
Seminar in Archives and Records Management - Reference and Information Services in Archives (3 units) | |
INFO 284-16 | Friedland |
Seminar in Archives and Records Management - Film Collections and Archives (3 units) | |
INFO 284-15 | Gleason |
Seminar in Archives and Records Management - Managing Photographic Collections (3 units) | |
INFO 284-12 | Hofman |
Seminar in Archives and Records Management - Digital Curation (3 units) | |
INFO 284-02, 13 | Main |
Seminar in Archives and Records Management - History of Books (3 units) | |
INFO 284-10 | Nimer |
Seminar in Archives and Records Management - Encoded Archival Description (EAD) (3 units) | |
INFO 284-11 | Scott |
Seminar in Archives and Records Management - Digitization and Digital Preservation (3 units) | |
INFO 284-03, 14 | Westbrook |
Seminar in Archives and Records Management - History of Libraries in the US (2 units) | |
INFO 285-10 | Bernier |
Applied Research Methods - Youth Services (3 units) | |
INFO 285-11, 12 | Jefferson |
Applied Research Methods - Action Research (3 units) | |
INFO 285-15 | Luo |
Applied Research Methods - Survey Research (especially library user surveys) (3 units) | |
INFO 285-03 | Luo |
Applied Research Methods - Unobtrusive Research: Analyzing Existing Data/Content (3 units) | |
INFO 285-05, 16 | Radsliff |
Applied Research Methods - Literature Review Research Methods (3 units) | |
INFO 285-01, 04, 14, 18 | Sweeney, J. |
Applied Research Methods - Evaluating Programs and Services (3 units) | |
INFO 285-02, 13, 17 | Westbrook |
Applied Research Methods - Historical Research Methods (3 units) | |
INFO 287-17 | Bell, S. |
Seminar in Information Science - Design Thinking (2 units) | |
INFO 287-15 | Ghosh |
Seminar in Information Science - Problem solving with data-part two (2 units) | |
INFO 287-11 | Hall-Ellis |
Seminar in Information Science - RDA (1 unit) | |
INFO 287-12 | Hall-Ellis |
Seminar in Information Science - Subject Analysis (1 unit) | |
INFO 287-02 | Hess |
Seminar in Information Science - AI in the Library (2 units) | |
INFO 287-16 | Jefferson |
Seminar in Information Science - Collecting and Analysing Data for Evidence Based Decisions (3 units) | |
INFO 287-18 | Mooradian |
Seminar in Information Science - AI, Data, and Ethics (3 units) | |
INFO 287-14 | San Nicolas-Rocca |
Seminar in Information Science - Cybersecurity (3 units) | |
INFO 287-10 | Schmidt, A. |
Seminar in Information Science - User Experience (3 units) | |
INFO 287-01 | Stephens |
Seminar in Information Science - The Hyperlinked Library: Emerging Trends, Emerging Technologies (3 units) | |
INFO 287-13 | Valenti |
Seminar in Information Science - Library Services in the Digital Age (3 units) | |
INFO 287-19 | Vans |
Seminar in Information Science - Design for Teaching & Learning in Social Virtual Reality (3 units) | |
INFO 289-01, 10 | Main |
Advanced Topics in Library and Information Science (e-portfolio) | |
INFO 294-02, 03, 04, 10, 11, 12 | Main |
Professional Experience: Internships | |
INFO 295-01, 10 | Harlan |
School Library Field Work | |
ISDA 100-50, 51 | Ros |
Technical Writing | |
ISDA 101-01, 50, 51 | Ros |
Online learning: Tools and Strategies for Success | |
ISDA 110-50 | Mathieu |
Technology, Culture, and Society | |
ISDA 110-01, 51 | Zamir |
Technology, Culture, and Society | |
ISDA 111-50, 51 | Gupta |
Information and Data Science | |
ISDA 120-01, 50, 51 | Meske |
Information Security | |
ISDA 121-51 | Fausett |
Human Centered Cybersecurity | |
ISDA 121-50 | Nguyen |
Human Centered Cybersecurity | |
ISDA 122-50, 51 | Cervone |
Privacy, Security, and Ethics | |
ISDA 122-01 | Ysasi |
Privacy, Security, and Ethics | |
ISDA 123-50, 51 | Cervone |
Information Assurance | |
ISDA 123-01 | Ysasi |
Information Assurance | |
ISDA 130-50, 51 | Demissie |
User Centered Interface Architecture and Prototyping | |
ISDA 130-01 | Fausett |
User Centered Interface Architecture and Prototyping | |
ISDA 131-50 | Chi |
Information Architecture | |
ISDA 131-51 | Demissie |
Information Architecture | |
ISDA 140-01, 50, 51 | Jain |
Big Data Analytics and Management | |
ISDA 141-50 | Chi |
Information Visualization | |
ISDA 150-50 | Gupta |
Topics in Information Science and Data Analytics - Sports Analytics (3 units) | |
ISDA 170-01, 50, 51 | Figueroa |
The Emerging Future: Technology Issues and Trends | |
ISDA 20A-50 | Torres |
Query Languages | |
ISDA 20B-50 | Jain |
Python Programming | |
ISDA 20C-01, 50, 51 | McCarthy |
Web Development | |
ISDA 20D-01, 50, 51 | Romanik |
Computer Operating Systems | |
MARA 210-10 | Kaltenbacher |
Records Creation, Appraisal and Retention | |
MARA 249-10 | Rodriguez |
Management of Digital Data, Information, and Records | |
MARA 283-10 | Franks |
Enterprise Content Management and Digital Preservation | |
MARA 284-10 | Haliday |
Seminar in Archives and Records Management - Leadership and Advocacy (3 units) | |
MARA 286-10 | Ysasi |
Information Assurance | |
MARA 289-10 | Hofman |
Advanced Topics in Archives and Records Administration (e-portfolio) | |
MARA 294-10 | Main |
Professional Experience |